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A chemosensor is a molecular receptor that receives a stimulus and responds to the transition by induced signal changes (change in absorption or emission wavelength after recognition of the targeted species).

Chemosensor is thus defined as a sensory receptor that transduces a chemical signal into an optical signal which is indicative of the presence of an analyte. It comprises of two parts: (1) Binding Part, (2) Signaling Unit

Key factors for a good chemosensor:

High molar absorptivity: Strong light absorbing property

High fluorescence quantum yield: Strong emissive property

Large Stokes Shift: Change in wavelength during interaction

Optimal excitation wavelength: within the detectable range

Optimal emission wavelength: within the the visible range (400–750) nm

Fluorescence lifetime: Longer lifetimes are usually associated with higher quantum yield

High-photostability: helps in developing selective chemoreceptors

Representative publications:

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 341, 129925

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2021, 246, 109783

Dalton Transactions2021, 50, 429-451

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 329, 129172

New Journal of Chemistry2019, 43, 18098-18109

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